Grow Tube Plant Shelters

What is Blue-X?


Blue-X Grow Tubes, plant shelters that enable your trees, vines, and plants to make full use of nature’s beneficial blue light, providing optimal growing conditions for strong, vigorous, healthy growth.  Our grow tubes allow more blue light to your plants at important early stages of growth while reducing environmental stress helping to increase stem diameter and promote accelerated growth at an even root to shoot ratio.  Blue-X Grow Tubes block some of the transmission of harmful UV rays while sheltering your plants from excessive wind and protecting them from chemical sprays and animal browse.  Blue-X Grow Tubes consist of two parts which are shipped flat and can be quickly assembled and installed in the field.

Grow Tube Plant Shelters

Use Blue-X Grapevine Shelters to minimize your fields costs while maximizing vine growth and survival.

Grow Tube Plant Shelters

Use Blue-X Treeshelters to protect your seedling investment in all of your reforestation projects.

Grow Tube Plant Shelters

Using Blue-X Direct Seed Plant Shelters offers an economical solution for directseeding into the landscape.

Grow Tube Plant Shelters

BLUE-X® Shelters, a partially post-industrial recycled product, are fabricated from a partially transparent, substrate, blue-tinted polyester film (PET), (PART A). This produces amplified blue light which increases beneficial photosynthetically active radiation. Blue light increases diameter growth producing a visibly tapered self-supporting plant as nature intended. Tan, green, brown, or other opaque shelters decrease the blue light available to plants, thereby causing etiolation (thin elongated trunks).

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